Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows

Brief Introduction:

The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is on September 15th,
the day after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

I am praying this Novena
to Our Lady of Sorrows
for nine days, beginning today,
for the following intentions:

-a greater love for Christ's Cross

-healing for a dear friend

The Novena:

Pray the Hail Mary seven times while meditating on the Seven Sorrows of our Lady: 
*The Prophecy of Simeon
*The Flight into Egypt
*The Loss of Jesus in the Temple
*The Meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross
*The Crucifixion
*The Taking Down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross
*Jesus laid in the Tomb

Let us pray,
O God, at Whose passion,
according to the prophesy of holy Simeon,
a sword of grief
pierced the most sweet soul
of the glorious Mary, Virgin and Mother;
grant, in Thy mercy,
that we who honor the memory of her sorrows
may gain the happy fruit of Thy sufferings.
Who livest and reignest
world without end.

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