Today's blessings...go:
Time with Mommy in the morning
Participating in the conspiracy of love in the grocery store, asking multiple blessings for all people who crossed my path...all the days of their lives, Lord, please.
More time with Mommy in the afternoon...encouragement to be faithful and persevere at piano practice
Dominican insights on tomorrow's Mass readings
finally mended the bottom button of my blue-jean skirt (with a safety-pin, but it works for now)
Diane's excitement bubbling over--Mommy and Sean rearranged the basement!!! (well, a little bit, anyway)
chicken parmesan without the parmesan for dinner
sailboat sighting, close to shore, reminding me of a friend (non sibi sed patriae!)...
peaceful Vespers and Lectio walk down by the Bay
warm sun...and a hat to keep it out of my eyes!
remembering Fr. Bruno Shah O.P.'s reflection on the sun and the Sun
birds on the wing
brilliant blue sky
orange lilies
pink roses
slow but steady progress on cross-stitch throughout the day
beautiful sunset
quiet time in the basement for reading and pondering and giving thanks...
Praise be to God for the Conspiracy of Love and Mercy, and for his abundant gifts!
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