“The powerful deeds (dunameis) of incarnate Wisdom (sophia) among us humans ought to result, not so much in transitory awe and admiration, but in a permanent change of life (metanoia).” (Merikakis, 674)
metanoia...conversion of life...conversatio morum...St. Benedict, pray for us, as God picks us up from our falls and we strive to begin again with the help of his grace...not only every morning, but at every moment of every day.
“The act of faith here expected by Christ is the positive response to his question: ‘Will you allow the mighty power you have seen me work in your midst now to penetrate your very being, to become the sole source of your new life?’” (Merikakis, 679)
Lord, you are my life. My everything. Like Thomas, I have seen. Like Thomas, I believe. Without you, there is no life. You are my life.
“Jesus, the incarnate Word, the Light of the Father, chose to make Capharnaum his home. The light had pity on those who were ‘sitting in the shadow of death’, cowering miserably as in a dank cave. Unlike Plato’s sun, which always shines indifferently on the world and must be gone out to by those needing its rays, Christ the Light comes personally to those too lost to move themselves out in search. They see him while they are still sitting hopelessly in the dark, because he takes the initiative and penetrates their condition of death.” (Merikakis, 680)
Eucharisteo...I give you thanks, my Lord and my God, for your gift of yourself in the Eucharist. You come to me daily, to give me life and strength. Thank you.
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