Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, dearest Mother!

Today is the Feast of the Nativity of Mary.

Murillo's "The Birth of the Virgin Mary"
and now, here are some semi-poetic thoughts, 
sparked by the realization that Murillo painted 
Baby Jesus and Baby Mary looking at one another!

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At Her Nativity
O dear Mary, mother Mine,
I have waited nine months to see your face!
Hidden within your mother's womb
I let you grow in silence
and now, here you are!
You are Mine, and I am yours!

O sweet Jesus, Son of God
quickly come!
Hidden in my womb
you will grow in silence
indeed, here I am: I am for You!
You are mine, and I am yours!

Do not be afraid of angel greetings
Do not be afraid of prophesy
or of the bitter road that lies ahead
All generations will call you blessed 
because of Me:
You are Mine, and I am yours!

How can I say if I will be afraid
there will be much to fear, I know
especially on that dreadful hill 
but my Fiat I will give to You
every day of my life,
You are mine and I am Yours!

Do not be afraid, most pure one
you will see the face of God and live
 Little one, you are a child now
but one day  you shall be 
the mother of all of God's children
for You are Mine, and I am yours!

I am not afraid, for You are my purity,
my God, my Son, and my Life
Yes, I am a child now, a little one always
but one day I shall be
the mother of all little ones
for You are mine, and I am Yours!

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Sweet Jesus, Jesus Love,
You are mine, and I am Yours!
Thank You for the gift of Your Mother, my Mother!

Blessed Mother Mary, 
pray for us who have recourse to thee!

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