Wednesday, August 17, 2011

late night thanks...

...better late than never. It is not Multitude Monday, but thanksgiving happens everyday, so why not record today's gifts and give thanks to the Gift Giver?

-Lord, I thank You for Your forgiveness and for this amazing story of forgiveness
-the DMV adventure w/ father and sister
-the grace to finish drafting my application letter all the way to the end so that I can send it tomorrow
-family that loves me no matter what
-reminders of that love and God's love everywhere I look
-the recent wonderful visits with family and another one on the horizon
-tomorrow I get to begin again, back to "normal"
-kitchen time after dinner and an episode of Star Trek, cleaning up and dancing and thinking about life
-a gentle hint that maybe "routine" isn't necessarily a great thing if it leads to ruts and anxiety when I break it

Praise be to God, now and evermore.

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