Monday, August 1, 2011

on Walking on Water and Falling into His arms

Reflection on Mt 14:31a

"Like Peter, I do not in the end ever actually enter into the Lord's embrace as his love and mine blissfully and serenely proceed toward one another with unfaltering step. No: I will always fall into the Lord's arms gasping for breath after a close brush with death and having had to be rescued by Jesus from impending annihilation...He is my savior because he has in fact saved me: he has laboriously earned the title, and there is no time when this name can be shed by him in favor of something more exalted and flattering to my ego. Jesus can become Lover only because he has first been and remains Savior. He is the Bridegroom who has purchased me with his blood."
(Leiva-Merikakis, Erasmo. Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word II, 386)

How true this is! And timely, too, as I draw near to my monthly day of remembrance (I choose Life!) many months has it been, Lord, since that first Wednesday of the November when I was a sophomore? And how much grace and love have I received since the day You drew me away from the edge and set my feet on solid ground once more? There is no time to count or calculate, but I can give You thanks every day of my life! Like Peter, I have been lifted out of the whirlpool of doubt and fear by the strong hand of Love. Like Peter, I have been gently chided: "Little child, why did you doubt? Do not doubt, but believe--I love you!" And Lord, You know everything; You know that I love you, too. Thank You for catching me; thank You for the gift of my life.

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