Friday, August 19, 2011

Quiet Waiting Days

Blessed be God forever!
forever, amen!

Yesterday morning, I finished my application.

Yesterday afternoon, I delivered it to the post office.

Now, I wait in trust.

Updates to follow in a few days, God willing...

Blessed be God forever, for ages unending, amen!


  1. Mary, Godspeed with your application. Your heart for God is clear. If I was in charge, I'd have the rubber stamp ready.:-) I'm smiling as I write these words – because it's just so obvious where your heart lies – and that makes me smile. God bless and keep you!

    PS I've just prayed for some patience for you – the waiting might be a weight – you can probably use a little help – I know I;d want it. So I just prayed – just a little prayer – God bless.

  2. Craig, thank you for stopping by, and for taking the time to encourage little me, and to pray!

    Today is day 3 of waiting, but so far I've found that I don't mind it so much. I know that no matter what, whatever happens next will be God's will, and it will happen in His time. And all I can do these days is to say, "Yes, Lord, whatever, whenever You want...I am Yours, Lord, no matter what."

    Your thoughtful note just made my day, though. How much greater my hope is now, and my patience will be stronger too, because of your prayers.

    God bless and keep you, Craig!


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