Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In Memoriam: Two Sisters of Holy Cross

"The gentle, soft voice was the outward sign of a gentle, quiet woman, who was compassionate and accomplished at listening with her whole being. She listened-to people and to her God. Because she did, she was able to grow 'in wisdom and age and grace' until the day she died." (from a letter about Sister M. Paul Francis CSC, by Sister M. Campion Kuhn, CSC)

What an ideal for which to strive! If only people are able say this of me when I die, I will die happy...but I've got a long way to go! At any rate, Sister M. Paul Francis (+1998) was my great Grandmother's younger sister, and although I never knew her, I am grateful to know that she lived and lived well. Her dedication to serving God and her brothers and sisters through religious life is such an inspiration to me! And now I know that I have yet another advocate in Heaven--surely she knew about my vocation before I learned about her (yesterday evening via a letter from my grandmother), and has been praying for me all this time!

"The road Sr. Pauline chose amid her journey with cancer was a unique one and one which has left an impact in the lives of so many that know her. While she was present to her illness, she did not allow it to define her. Her relationship with God did not weaken but rather was strengthened. She continually embraced both her life and her death with such tremendous grace, faith, and love." (Saint Anselm's Death notice of Sr. Pauline Lucier, CSC, beloved Campus Minister)

I was one of the privileged students who got to work with Sr. Pauline (+2009) on the retreat team, if only for a little while. She truly was a woman of grace, and I will always treasure the memories of our time together. She once said to me, "Mary, you and Jesus make a good team!" Such a high complement, I was taken aback, but I conceded that she was right, with one caveat--that I stay out of His way when He works!

Rest in peace, Sr. Pauline, and pray for me!

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