Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Beggar God

In preparation for Mass tomorrow (The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time), I am studying Leiva-Merikakis' commentary on the Parable of the Sower...and was struck by the following quote:
“After giving us Jesus, and him crucified, God himself can only make a perpetual gesture of empty-handedness in our direction, the gesture proper to a beggar.
But then love, especially divine Love (because it is so radical), always is a beggar, and God’s love, extreme and uncompromising like no other, begs for our faith and love in the most extreme manner, by revealing to us the wounds the eternal Son has sustained on our behalf.” (Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word v. II, p. 227)
So, class, what have we learned today, and in recent days?
1) God’s love is unconditional—if love can be earned, then it is not love.
2) God’s love is uncalculating, and knows no limits or restrictions, but absolutely shatters our own tiny categories of understanding
3) God’s love makes him a beggar—in Jesus, through the Incarnation, he has given us all that he is, all that he has...and if we fail to respond, that is our fault, not God’s...
...but don’t forget: the conspiracy of Love and Mercy continues no matter what! Let us be faithful conspirators, in company with the Beggar God!
Lord, help me to be faithful to the teachings I have received—not only to remember them and to repeat them with joy, but to live them with my whole heart, for the salvation of souls, for your eternal glory. Amen

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