From Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word II, reflection on Matthew 13:38b
"The real surprise comes at the master's reaction when the servants, overcome by anxiety, want to dash into the field and pull out the weeds on the spot. Rather than becoming obsessed like them with the presence of evil, the serene farmer at once ponders something far more important: the welfare of the wheat. He at least does not think that the power of the weeds to choke is superior to the power of the wheat to grow and thrive." (Merikakis, 276)
This quote relates to the Love War and my recent thoughts about anxiety attacks. I particularly love the image of the serene farmer (God). He offers me a share in His serenity, if only I have the heart and will to accept it! This probably has something do do also with abandonment to Divine Providence...head in a sack...serenity. Something to think about...
From Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word II, reflection on Matthew 13:39
"the Church [on earth] necessarily has within her both the good and the bad, not statically but dynamically, that is, the sinners hopefully growing more and more by the action of divine grace into their full stature as saints. This is the era of the patience of God, of the maturing of the harvest, of the mutual aid that saints and sinners are to bring to one another: yes, even the sinners, by giving the saints the opportunity to collaborate with Christ in their redemption and thus merit their unfading crown."(Merikakis, 285)
This is Christ's Body at its best: saints and sinners working together with Christ for the salvation of all! And God is patient indeed! Praise and blessings be to Him forever and ever, amen!
(ok, so that was more than 5 minutes, but that’s all right—I had more time than I thought...God is merciful and I love Him forever!)
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